Double Helix – What is it?

A double helix, on a needle, is the two thread mouldings that wind around the needle hub. These interact with a luer-lok/lock collar to create a firm grip on the needle when the needle is twisted into position on a syringe. Their design ensures a much stronger connection that would be incredibly difficult to remove […]

Can I use your products on humans / animals

These products are sold primarily for use in industrial, craft, lab or similar scenarios, with inert materials. These products are specifically NOT SUITABLE, nor SOLD AS SUITABLE, for human, animal or live tissue use. As our products are predominantly BLUNT needles using them with live subjects would be incredibly painful. As such, not only do we […]

Minimum Order Quantity and Samples

Minimum Order Quantities Most products available on have no minimum order quantities (MOQ’s) and are all available in single items.   Samples: Because we supply end-user and reseller businesses, we ask that customers order the necessary “sample” item(s) as normal then contact us about placing a larger order once they have determined product suitability. […]

Needle Dimensions

Needle Dimensions Our needles are not, unless stated otherwise, medical grade items and as such do not conform exactly to the Birmingham wire gauge. There are also differences in inner and/or outer diameter depending on the material used, so, please check your requirements against the tables provided below, to ensure that your chosen needle is […]

Needle Usage (Materials/Fluids)

Needle/Tip Recommended Usage The following table provides recommendations for a number of applications/usage. The information provided is not exhaustive and customers should always carry out appropriate testing to ensure compatibility for their specific usage/requirements. Key Recommended ✓ Acceptable – Not Recommend / Incompatible ✘   Usage/Application Stainless Steel Tapered PTFE Lined Flexible Adhesives/Glues ✓ ✓ […]

Sterile, Clean products?

Sterile / Clean Products While some of our products are sealed and sterilised during manufacture, our primary market is industrial, craft and non-sterile usage. As such we don’t provide products for sale on this website, with any guarantee, warranty or similar regarding their sterility, nor are we able to certify any product for use in […]

Are needles or syringes individually packed?

Almost all of our needles are packed together, loose and not individually packed. The only exception to this are sterile needle items, where the needles have a protective cover and are packaged individually in blister packs.   Syringes are almost always individually packaged and would only be provided loose/in-bulk if they were clearly identified as […]

Re-use, Recycling and Disposal

Re-Use, Recycling & Disposal As our background has been in the use of syringes, needles, etc… in inkjet refilling applications we frequently clean and re-use the products for refilling purposes. However, re-use of our products must be based on a common sense approach. ie: Does the product need to be absolutely clean and/or devoid of […]